A few weeks back, LINDA IKEJI shared a post from a gynecologist who advised women not to wash their vagina with soap. (Find it HERE). Well, we have feedback from a LIBer who tried the method...and she's not very pleased...:-). See it below...
OMG! I'm really hurting. Ladies remember what Linda taught us on this blog about not washing our vaginal with soap! A new guy I'm seeing and really crazy about called me some days ago that I should see a doctor because my vagina really smells bad. Never been this embarrassed in my whole life. So I'm going back to my soap scrubbing. Please ladies, soap scrub your V.Haha! In all sincerity, though a lot of comments supported the idea of washing the vagina with just clean hands and warm water, I have never tried it. I just don't use as much soap as I used to...but not use soap at all? Hmm, hmmm, hmmmm! Anyone else with an unhappy lover?
SOURCE: lindaikeji's blog